Wednesday, January 16, 2008

what NOT to post:

Too many days have gone by without an entry--probably the most in a row since the establishment of this bog. In my sorry attempt to dredge up something to say, I have only come up with a list of topics not to broach. For your amusement, here they are:

-not a running tab on what I've made for dinner. C'mon, I make dinner 'most every night. It's not that interesting. Really.

-not an excerpt of the fam's silly and outrageous daily conversations. They require way too much background explanation, as their layers of innuendo are thick. Rich, but really thick. Sorta like whipped cream on a brownie. But thicker.

-not a few photos of what I bought at the mall today. Brown clogs, even when spanking new, are useful but not that riveting. The suede jacket I snagged for ten buckeroos will show up on #1 Daughter closer to April, and then she can tell you all about it.

-not the latest tally of how many times Friend #7 has beat me in Scrabble. It's not even funny anymore.

-not a list of what I'm reading. These days, my reading consists of keeping one step ahead of my students. (Whoa: I did peruse a way cool magazine while drinking coffee at Scoopucchino's yesterday. Maybe I'll subscribe.)

-not a description of this mid-January weather. It's just there.

With any luck, inspiration will blindside me soon enough. Thanks for bearing with me.


Blogger sam said...

That magazine looks very intriguing. So much so that I decided to use a bit of my Christmas Cash to purchase a subscription. I am a big fan of Real Simple but have found, after having a subscription for years and years, I am not giving it the quality time it requires these days. At times it feels a bit too much like a book, this looks a bit more manageable.

10:19 AM  
Blogger thisrequiresthought said...

sam: I hope you dug up the offer that is $10/year. That's the one I'm going for!

12:24 PM  

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