Friday, June 01, 2007

back and forth, back and forth!

The Apostle Paul exhorts Timothy: "Be ready in season and out of season" (2 Tim 4:2b NASB) or "Be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable" (2Tim 4:2b RSV). I'm taking that advice to heart, especially in the real estate situation we are facing.
We were ready to buy. The checks from the bank in hand, Hubby and I presented ourselves a few weeks ago to our lawyer at the closing. The sellers were not going to be present, but they were sending over the required papers. As it happened, we walked through the lawyer's doors just as they were being delivered by a courier.
"These papers are a mess," our lawyer informed us as pleasantly as possible. "The sellers are obviously not prepared to close."
Signatures were in the wrong places, deeds were illegible, and attention was not given to important details. Our lawyer was not pleased with the sellers lack of preparation. Instead of crestfallen, we remained upbeat.
" If God wants to close the doors, it's fine with us!" we assured ourselves and others. We waited for the wheels to turn and the paperwork to come up to par. A week passed. We tentatively scheduled another closing for last Monday morning.
On Monday morning, the phone calls started from friends in Madrid, and they were relieved to hear we weren't the new owners quite yet. The neighborhood rumor-mill was grinding out a bad report: an old oil-tank was buried somewhere in the front yard of the property. The size of this mystery tank ran the gamut from 500 gallons to 3500 gallons. (For comparison's sake, we have a 275 gallon tank in our cellar...) This information froze us in our tracks. An underground oil-spill could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Or more. At the moment, it was not our problem, thank the Lord, but the headache of the person whose name was at the bottom of the deed. Instead of a closing, our week was fraught with follow-up calls to previous owners, the DEC, our lawyer, and the realtor.
Cutting to the chase: we still don't know if we will close on this property. My hopes have alternately soared and plummeted over the last month over this decision. Right now, it feels like a roller-coaster ride that seemed like a good idea at the time but now makes me want to never visit another amusement park.
To all our friends in Madrid who want us in "the hood": go ahead and pray! We are willing to be persistent until God shuts the door irrevocably.


Blogger said...

What a God we serve! He sure watches out after His Own, doesn't He? You can be sure that His Hand is on you folks for your good and His glory.

3:42 PM  

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