Saturday, September 09, 2006

weekend doings

The hotel lobby is gracious: trendy upholstery and geometric designs abound, along with a giant clock on the far wall that looks like it came from a Williamsburg clocktower. Hubby and I are here for the weekend. He is speaking at a men's breakfast, and I am sipping robust coffee and reading Newsweek. And posting about nothing online.

-I awoke this morning to hear of a miracle: a young boy whom we have been desperately praying for awoke from his coma-like state today, asking for his mother. This news came by cell-phone, and I was crashingly relieved to hear it. I ask God many questions while I am traveling upstream, and at moments like this one, I think He and I see eye-to-eye. By the way, one doesn't have to be in a kayak to travel upstream...

-Today and tomorrow we visit with dear old friends in the ministry. These folk are salt of the earth and I am looking forward to being in their easy presence.

-Tomorrow after church, I depart solo for home. Hubby stays behind to join the rest of the team traveling to the Dominican Republic for 10 days. #1 Son and #1 Daughter tag along, too. WHATEVER WILL I DO BY MYSELF FOR TEN DAYS?

I'll think of something.
Thanks for praying for my family.


Blogger Darlene Sinclair said...

You can come have dinner with us on more than one occasion! And you can even spend a day or two hangin' with us. I'll be in touch!

8:30 PM  

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