Thursday, July 12, 2007

how deep can you go?

"To sum it all up, brethren, we beg and pray you by the Lord Jesus, that as you have learned from us the way of life that pleases God, you may continue in it, as indeed you are doing, and deepen your experience of it." ~First Letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Chapter 4 (J.B. Phillips)

The Christian life should not be a static experience, but rather an evolving, flowering, burgeoning adventure. With a simple change of tone, this statement can be either an preachy exhortation or a complaint directed toward self. Please be relieved to know that I am speaking to the face in the mirror this time. Fresh from a few weeks overseas, I am reminded of one of the best reasons to go on a short-term missions trip: the effectual kick in the hinder parts that comes with being rousted from my perfectly comfortable routine. At first, it smarts. Soon afterward I become grateful for it because, although I do not hanker for the discomfort that comes with growing pains, experience has taught me that pleasant fruit is in store for me if only I am cheerfully and thoroughly obedient to the challenge.
I, along with believers all over the world, have been gloriously graced with an authentic Christian experience. What then? Without the infilling (and re-infilling!) of the Holy Spirit, salvation can end up a brass trophy which is taken down from the mantle to be polished from time to time. God have mercy on us! God have mercy on me, rather. (Mirror-talk, remember?)
The Apostle Paul exhorts the young believers in Thessonalica to "deepen their experience". I'm taking that and running with it while I am fruit-hungry and routine-free.
And thanks, God, for yet another fresh infilling.


Blogger said...

You go, girl! Those of us who can't go on mission trips, perhaps have a mission challenge here at home. I am grateful to be in one here in Norwood, NY.!

12:53 PM  

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