Saturday, September 08, 2007


I love to read.
Friend #7 and I were walking and talking the other day, and I waxed eloquent on my personal history with books. The first time I cracked the code of 26 letters was with P.D. Eastman's classic, "Go Dog, Go." I was four years old. The tree house party fascinated me to no end. I wanted to be personal friends with those dogs. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why the boy-dog didn't like the girl-dog's hat! These thoughts, and many other ruminations, germinated quickly into a love for the written word that has never left me.
My mom still tells the tale of my fifth birthday party. She invited the whole kindergarten class to our home and then was left to entertain them without me. I was in the corner devouring a stack of new books, the wrapping paper still dangling from the bindings. To this day, I see nothing wrong with this picture.
Reading aloud is one of life's unsung pleasures, and I try to read aloud every school-day to my little darlings. We are presently in the thick of "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, which has challenged even my patience in its attention to detail. I blame it on too much TV, which in my particular case, is not much at all. Once I remind myself that a classic novel doesn't serve the same purpose as Oceans 11, I can relax and enjoy myself. A bag of Fritos doesn't serve the same purpose as Duck L'Orange, either.
What else are we reading this fall? "Pride and Predjudice", which I must admit is my first delve into the world of Jane Austen. Women authors are great favorites of mine, (Willa Cather, Madeleine L'Engle, Isak Denisen) but Jane is a stretch. I am finding things to admire though, and so are the kids, I hope.
Any book by John Piper is worth cracking. We are reading "Don't Waste Your Life" and I highly recommend it.
Every morning, we listen to the New Testament on CD. This week? The Gospel of Matthew.
As soon as our Dover order comes in the mail, we will start Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". That way we can thoroughly enjoy the National Players upcoming performance in October.
The texts of our science and math books hardly seen worth mentioning, but they involve reading, too. This fact reminds me that reading is a discipline, not just a pleasure-seekers hobby.
So, what are you reading these days?


Blogger RB said...

Did you know that SLU has an expert on Willa Cather? Dr. Robert Thacker. He taught a first-year course with Jeff Young where Willa Cather was required reading.

Be blessed!

12:20 PM  
Blogger Darlene Sinclair said...

Did you know that a Shakespeare troupe is coming to SLU this fall as well? Check Bob Blewett's blog for a schedule.

I am hoping to delve into read-out-louds again this year after taking a hiatus (for no particular good reason...) but I need to keep it a bit simpler for little man's sake. Still, it is good to stretch him, but Dickens would leave him undone, I'm sure.
We may suffer through "Rifles For Waitie", "Across Five Aprils" and the like. Some Ingle maybe, too. I like to tie it all in together with our history topic.

Hope you enjoyed your sweet marjoram!

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to tell my boys that "Go, Dog, Go" is one of Mrs. Hull's favorite books. They will be thrilled. For the past fourteen years we have had a little boy in this house enjoying that wonderful dog party-I think I know the book by heart!
Love ya,
Jude :-)
p.s. Christian says, "hi!"

5:41 PM  

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