finger fun
The semester began quietly, with nary a visit to Crane. Thoughts of rehearsals hardly ever drifted through my mind. Then it all came fast upon me: mid-term performances, opera rehearsals,
lessons, studio classes, and all the learning that goes along with them.
An uncrowded Saturday morning leaves me space to "attack the stack". (Sometimes I carry this stack around with me, as I did yesterday. I was able to hack through a few opera scenes between Friday School classes.) Today, I decipher French vocal music. To me, it's like having a deluxe box of crayons and a new coloring book. With French music, you are encouraged to color extravagantly and not stay in the lines.
The accompanist has all the fun, I say.
More fun: 8 pianists squeeze 16 hands on one keyboard. With only 88 keys and 80 fingers, it's a tight fit!
lessons, studio classes, and all the learning that goes along with them.
An uncrowded Saturday morning leaves me space to "attack the stack". (Sometimes I carry this stack around with me, as I did yesterday. I was able to hack through a few opera scenes between Friday School classes.) Today, I decipher French vocal music. To me, it's like having a deluxe box of crayons and a new coloring book. With French music, you are encouraged to color extravagantly and not stay in the lines.
The accompanist has all the fun, I say.
More fun: 8 pianists squeeze 16 hands on one keyboard. With only 88 keys and 80 fingers, it's a tight fit!

Tonight, yes, tonight, we are going to see The Marriage of Figarro at Chattanooga's Tivoli Theatre, the "Jewel of the South."
We will dress up.
We will pretend to be adults.
We will be on our best behavior.
We will only pay twelve dollars for the tickets because we are poor, and they understand that even poor college students need a little culture now and then too.
that's "Figaro".
and yeah, that's fun.I love the opening scene where Figaro is measuring for his marriage bed!
if you were home, you could plunder my closet for glitter, glam, and sparkly things.
I played Susannah as a young college student who didn't know better. I auditioned, not knowing the opera. When I checked the call board the next day, I saw my name next to Susannah. "Huh, I wonder what her part is like." So like any Crane student, I hurried upstairs to the library and immediately checked out a vocal score. As I flipped through my jaw dropped further and further to the floor. Page after page was examined. I soon exclaimed to anyone within hearing, "She's on almost every page in the opera! Yikes!" I thought I would faint. But excitement quickly won the day. I just didn't know enough to know I had no right doing that part! It was fun though, one of those ignorance is bliss situations...
Hope you enjoyed the show!
It was beautiful. Perfect.
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