one evening of fun (and please super-size me)

Our house was a noisy one last evening.
There were 17 gathered around three tables, eating, talking, rocking Jameson, telling of travels, and sometimes erupting in squeals of laughter. (this, from the table of teenage girls in the living room...) After dessert, two youngsters played Battleship. The girls lounged around in #1 Daughter's bedroom, probably discussing the Beatles and maybe horses.
As candles burned low, strings were tuned, a replacement for Julia's tin-whistle found, the accordian squeezed, ("Oh, I love that thing"-Merrick) a few impromptu performances were elicited from around the room, and eventually, the piano was rocked by dance tunes. (Yes, this is a crowd of diverse tastes. We don't look down our noses at any type of musical riff.) Furniture was moved and a dance floor declared in the living room. I declare, it was noisy.
Our Spanish visitors seemed to take it all in stride. At times I wonder what ideas our foreign guests take home in their pockets about Americans! After nervously inquiring about this, I learned that the main impression they have is how BIG everything is; from serving sizes to shopping centers.
When the Jews toast each other at their Passover meal, they chime, "Next year in Jerusalem!" As we embraced this dear Spanish family, we declared: "Next time in Spain!"
Is the world getting smaller, or is it just me?
the world may be getting smaller, but i've never felt further.
today is the day it is officially one month til these feet stand on home soil (or snow as the case may very well be).
I was trying not to think of what fun you were all having (or what fun my husband was having baptizing students impromptu) as I put little kiddies to bed. :)
We had our own sort of fun, albeit a bit quieter!
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