Monday, February 26, 2007

housewives go shopping

we carry purses.
our ensemble includes:
practical shoes, bulky coats not too fitted
sometimes lipstick.
oh, and coupons.

we wheel expertly between produce and aisle displays
snapping up vegetables and fruit in season
(or at least ones not costing an arm and a leg.)
-the price of citrus this week!
we eye wilted greens for soup ingredients.
we read the brazen headlines of cheesy magazines while in line.
-we try not to, though.
we smile at other people's children.

we commandeer the cart, pointing it to the van.
we override the grey parking lot slush by brute strength,
propelled by the thought of a hot cup of take-out coffee.

we bus our own table at McDonald's.
we appreciate the floors being mopped while we watch.
we chat with older couples.
we are congenial to all.

we are the housewives
and today is shopping day.


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