Tuesday, February 06, 2007

new workout program

Yesterday's entry spoke of the difficulties in getting physical exercise in the dead of winter. Nothing is preventing me from stretching my brain, however. One might think that a mom who home-schools finds it easy to use her noodle. In the words of Ira Gershwin, "It ain't necessarily so."
Our Sunday morning service usually encourages me to pump some neurons, though. This week's service featured some special music that blessed me to the core. Two college students from South Korea belted out a soulful tune that spoke of serving Him no matter the cost. (Even if the congregation hadn't been briefed on what the lyrics meant, we would've gotten the gist from the inherent passion in their voices.) Our dear pastor, freshly back from central Spain, followed this with a message about this Christ's redemptive work: He has broken down every wall. Christ is all and in all. We are one body, one divine family. Our hearts were collectively moved as he invited the duo from South Korea to repeat their song.
My thoughts boomeranged to a book I had read last summer, 20/20 Vision by Bill and Amy Stearns. Here is an excerpt (one of my favorite devices to get my friends to read) that may inspire:

God desires that all facets of His character be reflected in the New Jerusalem, so He wants all the nations represented there. He's made specific reservations for every ethne --in a registration book! There is the Lamb's Book of Life with individual names, and there is also a Register of the Peoples, listing every ethnic group: "The LORD will write in the register of the peoples: 'This one was born in Zion' " (Psalm 87:6)
Most Western cultures emphasize each person's individuality. But God also deals with individuals in a more "Eastern" way --as members of a group: a family, a generation, a nation. His reservation list of the nation invited to heaven - the Register of the Peoples - includes names you might not recognize: Ahir, Gadaria, Fulani, Madiga, Kunbi, Sayyid, Toroobe, Vakkaliga.
God has reserved places in the New city of Peace for some of each of these people groups. Around the throne of the Lamb will be some from every people (Revelation 5:9) As of today these particular people groups for the most part don't even know they've been invited!

I am itching to hand out invitations, how about you? This is a way cool book. Let me know if anyone is interested in borrowing this piece of workout equipment. Folks: you can exercise an important muscle while sitting down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll borrow it!dunphey

11:46 AM  

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