Wednesday, June 06, 2007

golden moments

The best part of my day?
The nominations are:

1. treating myself to breakfast out. It was only McDonald's, but the egg mcmuffin was piping hot.
I also allowed myself a leisurely read of the morning paper.

2. picking up #1 Son from his NYC trip. Although suffering from serious lack of sleep, he managed to give me a run-down of their doings. He was wearing his new J. Crew corduroys. The shade? Salmon.

3. listening to #1 Daughter sing Sephardic folk songs, accompanied by violin and guitar.

4. painting the screen porch. It will be lovely when completed.

5. visiting with some favorite people, impromptu. I popped over Friend #21's house and ate two scrumptious cookies while conversing. Friend #88b joined me for a glass of iced tea at my kitchen table this evening. Each visit was only 30 minutes long, but enough to make me feel connected . I like that!

As you can see, today was generous in golden moments.


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