Tuesday, July 04, 2006

the flow of blessings

I have many reasons to rejoice today:

1. the shutters are in place! see my flickr for proof.

2. unsightly lilac roots were dug up in the front and side yards. A large piece of machinery, Hubby at the wheel, accomplished this task starting at 5:30 a.m. I appreciate early-risers, and cook a big breakfast for them anytime! Landscaping is next. Any thoughts?

3. I baked a cherry pie for someone my family appreciates. The fruit was gathered from our tree. Neat.

4. we take our newly refurbished boat to the St. Lawrence today. Relishing the company of dear friends and family will take us into the evening.

5. I got to chat with Friend #7 on the phone . She had just woken up, her voice was froggy, and I'm sure her hair was a veritable bird's nest. She was eating yoghurt while talking to me. Boy, I love her. She visits home next month.

Enjoy the day, eat watermelon, take in the fireworks, grill chicken, play with little kids. Just don't forget to thank a veteran. And the Good Lord, from Whom all blessings flow.


Blogger sam said...

The shutters look great! You guys have done a wonderful job with that house. It has certainly come a long way, inside and out.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Lore Ferguson said...

My life is an open book I see! =) I do visit home next month, but can we please not say next month because that makes it sound like it's a whole month away; let's just say in a few weeks, k?

11:24 AM  
Blogger thisrequiresthought said...


11:37 AM  

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