Sweet, Sour, and Hot

Never mind beads, baubles, or bangles.
For my money, bring me pickles.
Yesterday I raided our humble garden plot with a gleam in my eye. A basket of bell peppers, jalepenos, and plump cukes were scrubbed, sliced and diced. Sweet onion, garlic, and oregano were prepped. Pots were set a-boil. Jars, lids, and screw-tops were scrutinized and assembled. Fumes of vinegar filled the air. Like a surgeon, I sanitized the kitchen: sinks, countertops, stovetop, utensils. A tidy stack of clean dishtowels stood ready at my elbow. All this trouble to embalm vegetables? You betcha.
Whenever my eye catches the mellow glow of green glass on the pantry shelve, I will be happy for a summer morning like this one.
Great pictures. Yum.
nancy hull pickles!!! i'll be right over! :) YUM
nancy hull pickles!!! i'll be right over! :) YUM
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