birth announcement

Baby Horsie! It's a BOY, not a GIRL!
name: Bree (short for Bree-Hee Hinny-Brinny Hooey-Hah of Narnia fame)
time of arrival: sometime this morning
color: buckskin with dark mane/tail
mother : Willow
proud owner: #1 Daughter
What a wonderful Welcome Home present for our Dominican missionaries!
(click on photos for more pics....)
Congratulations! Isn't our Great God wonderful to keep her hidden until they returned? Thanks for Ana's phoning me of the news, and that you're happily embracing your precious family again!
Love, Jean/Gramma Jean
I'd say so!
Absolutely perfect timing!
I heard your little girl was a real trooper and one of the best workers ever -- spoken by the worker of all times, Grandpa Gordon. Congrats to you and her!
He is beautiful!
Eliz caught a glimpse as she was heading out the door to school. She like his name. :)
As family of the Executive Director of All Nations Institute :), we were blessed with the spoils from this past Monday night: your oatmeal cookies! They are perfect--nice and chewy--even several days later. Might I get the recipe?
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