Friday, March 05, 2010

the bay window

This was the view yesterday from the open wall in our kitchen.

A stiff breeze wafted through the back of the house all night, lifting swaths of gray dust into the air and pushing them through the cracks in our protective plastic wall which separates the kitchen demo from the rest of the house.

This boy doesn't like dust. He takes after his mom.

A spate of sunny, relatively mild days has been perfect for outside work. I only say that because I get to stay inside with a paintbrush. The guys climbed around on scaffolding in order to install our kitchen bay window. The sunlight made them cheerier than normal, I think.

This bay window will be just right for potted plants, herbs, and other green things. A double Corian sink will be positioned there, giving the Chief Cook & Bottle Washer a supreme view of her little kingdom by the river.

The Lord of the Manor was awfully nice to build this bay window. He was duly hugged & kissed by the Lady of the Manor today.

There are many things to hooray about around here. I think a jig around the kitchen would be in order, too.


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