Wednesday, April 21, 2010

so much more time to kayak

Tomorrow, I have a little recital.
It's only one piece; the Saint-Saens cello concerto. It takes eighteen minutes to perform.
Of course, I get to perform it with a cellist. Otherwise, it wouldn't be very riveting.

Then, on Saturday, I travel to Plattsburgh to play piano for a choral concert. I also will play a duet with an organist. I haven't really looked at that particular music yet.

After all, today is only Wednesday.

On Sunday, we repeat that performance in Potsdam.

-and finish up in time for me to come home in order to host a violin recital.
I will rehearse with the kids first, though.

After the recital, I will serve coffee and punch.

Guess what? After Sunday, no more Monday night choir rehearsal!

It will give me so much more time to kayak.

The end.


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