Work Day
The school-marm and superindendant (of the Hull Homeschool Academy) declared a Work Day on Monday. Dad was home, the skies were clear, and the air was begging to be filled with work-a-day noises. We shoveled black mulch for a while in the morning sun. Hubby and #1 Son started constructing our little porch. # 1 Daughter worked in the barns and with her horses. I applied elbow grease to an old door. We took advantage of the golden autumn weather and accomplished a lot, much to mom's great pleasure.
More pics on my flickr, for those who just can't get enough of watching other people work.
More pics on my flickr, for those who just can't get enough of watching other people work.

Would you believe we miss the days of constantly working to fix up the house? I am not sure I would want to get one in quite a state of disrepair as the one in Canton, but I would like to get another that needs some TLC. These less-than-ten-year-old houses are boring. It looks great! It certainly has come a very long way since we looked at it in the fall of 2001.
thanks, Sheri.
Wish you could attend our "House-History" presentation at the end of October!
The house looks great!
Friend #24 :-)
Me too! :)
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