Sunday, September 24, 2006

taking stock

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.

(Isaac Watts, 1674-1748)

The worship team really rocked today. I love when worship rolls on and on; no time-constraint in sight. Let's stop the world and survey the wondrous cross, folks.

During my first college-summer, I worked for my uncle. He was civil engineer, a surveyor. We did our share of field work together.
"Hold this line." he would instruct. "Now take this tape up to the far corner."
"Through the pricker-bushes?" I politely queried, hoping I misheard.
We looked things over at all angles. We measured width and depth, tramping through swamps and brush with our equipment. Tree stumps, fence posts, and iron stakes were uncovered and inspected. Maps were unrolled and consulted. Old-fashioned penmanship was deciphered. We returned to the drawing board (literally) and made adjustments based on our findings.

When I take time to survey Christ's work on the cross, my life gets adjusted accordingly. My personal paperwork gets unfurled, and what doesn't match up gets fixed. I can attest to this: when I hurry through worship, when I don't take time to be in awe, things quickly get out of whack.
Time spent while prostrate in wonder is hard to come by, but sorely needed. And after pouring the sand of contempt on the flickering fire of my pride, I arise renewed.

Thank You for the cross, my Friend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wish i was there for that time of worship. i know it's a bit early for me to be saying this but i miss my church.

11:24 AM  
Blogger thisrequiresthought said...

louissa: we miss YOU.
'deed we do.

1:26 PM  

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