Thursday, March 15, 2007

angel food

We are studying the different belief systems of the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian faiths. Today's reading divided the topics into six categories: God, Angels, Prophets, Scripture, Judgment, and Fate.
Interesting topic for discussion: angels. Islam believes as men were created from clay, angels were created from light. The jinn, a third order of beings, were created from fire. The jinn were equal to the angels, but turned to the dark side after they rebelled against Adam in the Garden. (If you've watched Disney's Aladdin, then you know a watered-down jinn: the genie of the magic lamp.) According to Islam, Satan was turned into a jinn for his rebellion. So if you polish an old lamp and a genie pops out, keep that information in mind. You heard it here.
I'm on guard with my feelings about angels because pop-culture robs me of thinking biblically. Melodramatic yet well-meaning people that affix plastic statues to their dashboards come to mind. One of my mother's friends kept angelic figurines in every room of her house for "divine protection". Angels accost me on greeting cards, in magazine ads, on T-shirts, and even home-decor that has nothing to do with Christmas. "Touched by an Angel" re-runs dominate the Hallmark channel, leaving me with the distinct feel that every anonymous do-gooder might have been an angel. Wow. You don't necessarily have to believe in God to believe in angels; angels have gone mainstream. Someone in the PR department is on the job, for sure.
A cursory look at what the Bible has to say about angels would set the record straight. It is worth mentioning that in the Old Testament, visits from angels were many times actually visits from God Himself. (Gideon thought he would die on the spot after he figured this one out, since no one can see God and live!) I'm pretty sure that the whole "wing" thing is a fallacy. And no where does the Bible suggest we should pray to angels, for goodness sake.
Any other biblical thoughts on angels?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this mini-education. (Now I have a reason besides Jasmine's poor clothing choices to keep Aladdin out of the house-- at least for the next few years! ;)

Keep passing along the interesting tidbits!

11:11 PM  
Blogger Kathleen Moulton said...

Isn't it like the devil (the angel of light) to distract humanity with the "worshipping" of angels? Such a "cute" thing...such a "small" incidental to be enamored with angelic designs and figurines. Yet, what is the subtly here? Drawing people to angels and not to God as if that will do because I believe in something religious, therefore I'm okay.

Not to mention that the Bible depicts angels as male.

I'm with you.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

Hmm, wings, wings, wings... What do you make of the angel's physical manifestation? Does it look like anything in particular? And where do the cherubim and seraphim fit in?--ah,with wings that is.

6:50 PM  
Blogger thisrequiresthought said...

yes, wings with chebubim & seraphim. but are they standard on regular run-of-the-mill angels.

8:24 AM  

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