Sunday, April 22, 2007

the pianist's lament

As the only member of the "orchestra" in attendance at yesterday's rehearsal, sight-lines are of the utmost importance. I need to see the director ("The Buck Stops Here") -and by the way, she moves around a lot! I need to see both the left and right stage entrances. I need to see faces. I need to see feet (to coordinate dance steps). I have sight-cues for pirates, tango embraces, beach tents, the money bag, and keystone cop antics.
With this in mind, all will forbear my swift and firm removal of the following items from the top of the piano:
a folded curtain
a beaded purse
an authentic Model T horn
a sippy cup
a dixie cup of water
and three jars of dirt.
This kind of chore doesn't rattle me, as I realize that most people treat a piano like a piece of furniture. Which is understandable, given its size. But imagine leaving your coffee atop someone's tuba. While they are playing. Or telling the flutist,"I'll be right back for those high-button shoes..."


Blogger Darlene Sinclair said...

What a patient pianist! and I'll try to stand still next time! ;)

BTW, isn't there something contagious about this theater stuff? I think it must be akin to the little kid world of make-believe and dress up. That is the attraction and the thing that gets everyone's engine all revved up. Do you think?

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you be requiring a small light for those dark scenes again? I still have mine--I'll try to find a way to 'mark' the button that turns it on.

7:10 AM  
Blogger thisrequiresthought said...

thanks, deb!
I'll find out tonight.

12:06 PM  

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