Wednesday, July 30, 2008

a letter to Mrs. Pearce, housekeeper

Dear Mrs. Pearce,

I wish to express my appreciation for your performance last evening.

My, the patience you have for those two incorrigible scoundrels, Col. Pickering and Prof. Higgins!
Your elegance, attention to decorum, and pure "grace under fire" truly held the performance together. Why, if you hadn't constantly demonstrated self-control and perfect ladylike restraint, the whole show would have dissolved into absolute mayhem!

Despite the uncalled-for antics of the aforementioned "gentlemen", you kept the servants and household in proper order. Honestly, Mrs. Pearce, I don't know how you do it. Included in the hubbub of your post, you had to change your complete attire 5 times in the space of three hours. Of course, I have utter confidence in your ability to uphold this type of standard for the remaining 6 performances.

After the last curtain calls, my dear domestic friend, you will (alas!) return to the hum-drum life of managing your homestead in Madrid, where an array of characters and the standing cast of husband, children, and grandchildren await you.

I stand ready to assist you in the downloading of any stress or strain in the days to come, preferably over gourmet dessert and coffee---at any bistro with tablecloths and atmosphere that you choose.

I remain your Obedient and Admiring Servant~

Mrs. William Hull
Knapps Station, New York


Blogger Darlene Sinclair said...

Dear Mrs. Hull,

Please accept my sincere appreciation for your complimentary words regarding my occupational efforts. Indeed, the "gentlemen" in my household require such concerted efforts as you discussed. I am happy to hear that you feel I am not only up for the task, but am accomplishing said duties in fine fashion.

As for a gourmet dessert and coffee -- tablecloths are an assumed necessity, at least in my household. Should I trust myself to some "bistro" establishment? At your recommendation only.

Most sincerely and appreciatively,
Mrs. Pearce

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Hull,

I am in total agreement with your assessment of Mrs. Pearce's efforts and accomplishments, as seen in last evenings performance. Just splendid!

As per a bistro establishment, I would graciously invite both you and Mrs. Pearce, and perhaps Mrs. Smith to my abode, if you provide the gourmet dessert. The staff here has just recently laundered and ironed the linen tablecloths and polished, to a sparkling shine, the best silverware. The gardens, as always, are well manicured and may be used for the event.

My publisher will be in the country at that time so perhaps he could attend to discuss a possible book contact with you and I will try to get my New York City contact to fly over the pond to see about some future on Broadway for Mrs. Pearce. As you see, this will be a sort of "working" gourmet dessert soiree, if agree.

Sincerely and waiting response,
Mrs. Robert Nordberg

2:19 PM  

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