Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the gamut

gamut \ˈga-mət\
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin gamma, lowest note of a medieval scale (from Late Latin, 3d letter of the Greek alphabet) + ut ut
Date: 15th century
1 : the whole series of recognized musical notes 2 : an entire range or series gamut from praise to contempt>

My emotions ran the gamut today. They rumbled from the bottom to the top, and then back and forth a few times, just for good measure. Early this morning, my husband changed from his pajamas and reluctantly drove himself to the hospital. I stood at the window and whispered a desperate prayer: "Lord, please let these heart palpitations be nothing serious..."

A few hours and a few prayers later, he informed me via cell phone that they were not. Probably stress-related. The doctor ordered him to take a daily dose of beta blocker, and put his running shoes back on. Those who know Hubby will understand the wisdom in this last order, as nothing dissolves stress for him like a good run.

The other stress-reliever was the news from the billing department of the local hospital. "Let the doctors take all the tests they require, as THERE IS COMPLETELY NO CHARGE for you."
How is this possible for someone who (unfortunately) has no insurance? It seems that #1 Daughter's emergency appendectomy last year, along with our lack of insurance to pay for it, qualified us for complete coverage for an entire year. We had no idea.

I relate these things, not to tout the praises of living without insurance-(not a recommended practice) -but rather to humbly declare what a wonderful provider God is to us. The gamut was fully employed this morning.

After teaching a little Bible and history, I worked with #1 Son on paperwork for his college application to St. Lawrence University. The deadline was fast approaching -not only for the application itself, but for two scholarships that required resumes and essays. By early afternoon, everything was in order, the envelopes sealed, and online chores finished. Whew. A 25 minute drive to the admissions office completed his task, and by mid-afternoon, all was behind us. Another moment of committing the results to God and the swift and blessed relief that follows. Another running of the gamut, up and down.

As dinner was being prepared, Hubby (looking much more rejuvenated after his hospital trip) returns a phone call to our realtor. Yes, the price they set on our house is very, very agreeable. Yes, the man who is a potential buyer will see the house tomorrow. Yes, she thinks he will be very interested and ready to buy.

Up and down the scale I sing, filling my lungs with fresh air to reach the height of emotion. The plain act of living can be a stretch some days. I stand tip-toe and stir the potatoes. I kiss my husband's warm ruddy face. I throw off my apron and yell upstairs, "Dinner-time!"

Running the gamut can be put on hold. I've got a dinner to serve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mommy is praying for your family.....God IS Good! Love

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pray for those who work tirelessly (and sometimes multiple jobs) to afford insurance for themselves and their families, yet are denied adequate health care....while others are allowed to not work and receive the best medical care free of charge. I'm confused, does God want us to not take responsibility for ourselves and families and push the burden to others? Someone does pay for that healthcare if it is not you. Unfortunately, I witness this everyday in the healthcare field.

9:39 AM  
Blogger thisrequiresthought said...

Dear Anonymous:

Yes, the inequity is great and not to be denied. My husband is self-employed and has been for as long as we have been married. The years he served as a full-time pastor, we paid for our own insurance. There were seasons we also had to live without insurance- with young children- as the costs were too great for a young family with a modest income to justify.

Most recently, after exhausting the means available to us to receive discounted health-care, we had to settle for trusting and waiting for our income to either go up (so we could afford health care) or go down (so we could qualify for discounted care). Being caught in the middle for a few years has been tough.

No one works harder than my dear hubby. While we all seek a better way to care for our families-and for the health-care system to aright itself, please rejoice with us as we humbly receive a blessing we certainly didn't deserve.

10:36 AM  

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