Friday, March 12, 2010

next door

See this slumpy house? It is next door to our old stone house.

I really wish the owners would do something about it. It's quite an eyesore.

Oh right. We are the owners.

This morning, #1 Son and I went exploring inside its slumpy, dumpy, slopey, dopey walls.

Here is (was) the pantry. I checked all the cupboards.
Mother Hubbard must have lived here last.

Every wall either has groovy wallpaper or previously had groovy wallpaper. Ragged sheets of groovy wallpaper peppered with mold and mildew hang everywhere.

See? This was my favorite in the category of moldy wallpaper.

In the category of ceiling fixtures, this one took the cake.

Into each dilapidated nook & cranny we shone our flashlights in hope of finding treasure. Or at least anthropological evidence that humans lived here once upon a time.

We don't take stock in evolution. But someone who does could really run with this supposed "evidence". We named her Lucy.

All in one square foot, we found a seven of hearts, a porcelain doorknob, and the arm of a doll.
A creepy and edgy montage of sorts.

#1 Son pointed out drolly: "Just think. You actually sleep within 100 feet of all this. Now your nightmares can have more accuracy."

Just what I was going for. Thank you, #1 Son.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that might be the same house that my great grandmother lived in many years ago when I was a child. I don't remember if she actually owned it or not. This is awful to say, but I only knew her as my grandma Erwin...a very petite, frail elderly woman at the time.

I've been following along with your renovations...very exciting and I am so happy to see some of downtown Madrid's buildings being repaired...Thank you fine owners!

Nancy C.

2:38 PM  

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