Monday, May 14, 2007

Ottawa fun

The family treated me to a day in Ottawa for Mothers Day. Aren't they thoughtful? (It was at my request.) We enjoyed some of the festivities at the Tulip Festival.
The weather was perfect for strolling and for snapping outdoor photos.
The grounds were dotted with giant tulips, decorated in different themes. What will Canadians think of next?
Under the tent of the International Festival, we drank Costa Rican coffee, watched children make Korean crafts, listened to some really bad accordion playing, and generally soaked in the culture. Here is a photo of an authentic turkish dancer. really.
#1 Son reminds me of the King in the nursery-rhyme: "Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie." ("Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?")


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