Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my little chicks

We all know that #1 Son will be entering St. Lawrence University in the fall.

From the online list of the Class of 2013, I find that many of the freshmen come from illustrious private schools all across the country, but mostly from the Northeast. Affluent yankees, all.

But most intriguing to me are the international students. I see Israel, Turkey, Swaziland, Pakistan, Yemen, Bosnia, Hong Kong, Finland, Kenya, and other such exotic and far-flung places on the list.

#1 Son put in his request to have an international roomie, but whether he gets his wish or not, I would like to see all those face at our dinner table over the next few years.

In the #1 Daughter Department, another inherent gift/talent has made itself known recently. This development has given her dad and I some things to pray about. As we plan the next phase of her education and make choices that will effect her future, I am increasingly aware of what a privilege and responsibility it is to be a parent.

Sometimes I get so excited about the opportunities that both my little chicks have ahead of them, I can hardly sleep at night!


Anonymous Ilene said...

Nancy, I love reading your posts, they're so uplifting and makes me think of the amazing blessing we have to have parents that are positive, encouraging, Christian parents that pray for us and want the best for us. I'm going to go give my marmee a kiss. :) There is quite no sacrifice like that of a parent... I can't wait to love my children that deeply. :)I love you Nance!

4:46 PM  

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