nice mommies
"I want to do what I want to do." Huh.
To gild the lily, she brought along my sixteen-year-old nephew, Djibo. We haven't seen Djibo since Hector was a pup (I don't know the origin of that figure of speech, but you can figure out the intent from the context.) so we snagged him for the entire weekend. We rigged him up with borrowed pyjamas, a sleeping bag, and a new toothbrush. Then we dragged him all over town and subjected him to a large gathering of youth from church, an energetic Sunday morning meeting, and a socially frantic afternoon full of company and House History presentations. In the Hull family tradition, we fed him well. (Okay, with the possible exception of that "duck-stomache" that the Chinese guests left us... see my flickr.) Then because our Watertown contingent (and his ride home) was scared off by an impending snowstorm on Sunday afternoon, #1 Daughter and I delivered him to Watertown High on Monday morning. (Yeah, he was quite late. But it is a 65 mile drive!)
What a weekend. After hosting around 50 friends and family on Sunday, we were exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. After the snacks were put away, the candles snuffed, and furniture moved back, Hubby shuttled some teens home. #1 Daughter made it all worth the work when she exclaimed,
"That was AWESOME. I wish we could do it again!"
Words that surely warmed my soul. I'm posting that quote in order to dredge it up next semester, when we share what we've learned about the Middle East. Sometimes we all need a little push or even a loving shove to accomplish worthwhile stuff.
It's one of the things that nice mommies do.