I am only playing hooky because of my recent spate of flu/strep/hacking cough. I am feeling much better, thank you -only I lost a truck-load of sleep last night (due to aforementioned cough) and needed to rest my tired throat.
While wending through my usual websites, I decided to review some of my own past posts. I haven't done that in ages. A little self-assessment goes a long way with me. Where have the food posts gone? And when was the last time I took the time to write a poem or craft a serious entry? I hardly ever comment on current events anymore. One might even forget that I regularly read the Bible and chew on scriptural truths, seeing as I don't expound upon them much.
I need to mend my ways.
On the other hand, I made myself laugh. There is something to be said about laughing at one's own jokes. (I don't know WHAT should be said, but surely something.)
The photos are not of the best quality, but they do entertain. More of them would be nice.
I need to get a list of Friend Numbers, or dispense with the whole operation.
Yes, once I start cooking seriously again, I will include food posts. Nothing is very riveting about PB&J or a crock pot. Especially a green one one with a floral design.
Some of my best material has fled the premises. Namely, Friend #7, Friend #12, and Friend #37.
But at least #1 Son #1 Daughter are still around. They are always a great source of comic relief.
Perhaps when we move to Madrid (in one week!), a new list of characters will provide grist for my writing-mill.